Social Authentication with Ally

Social Authentication with Ally

4 lessons
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In addition to the standard authentication, that is, email-password combination, AdonisJS also provides a simple and convenient way to authenticate with OAuth providers using Ally. In this course, we’ll be looking at how to allow users to sign up and sign in with their favorite social or third-party accounts in AdonisJS using Ally.

What you'll learn

  • Install and configure Ally
  • Log in with GitHub
  • Log in with Google
  • Effortlessly log in with multiple OAuth providers


Let's get started by first installing Ally.

What you'll learn

  • How to install and configure Ally

In this lesson, we look at how to log in with our first OAuth provider: GitHub.

What you'll learn

  • Create GitHub OAuth app
  • Sign up/in using GitHub

In this lesson, we are going to refactor the implementation we have from the last lesson to allow to login with any provider.

What you'll learn

  • How to use wildcard routes
  • Use partial to reuse functionality in multiple views

Lastly, we look at how to log in with Google and refactor to easily authenticate with multiple providers.

What you'll learn

  • Create Google OAuth client
  • Sign up/in using Google
  • Saving providers in a dedicated table to allow authenticating with multiple providers
Chimezie Enyinnaya

Hi, I'm Chimezie Enyinnaya, your teacher.

I’m a self-taught software developer based in Lagos, Nigeria, with over 8 years of experience. In the last couple of years, I've been doing more teaching because I enjoy sharing my knowledge so that others can benefit from it. Come along as I teach you all I know about AdonisJS, Node.js, and JavaScript at large!